The Los Angeles Police Department is searching for three young girls who have gone missing from a Los Angeles neighborhood, all of whom are under the age of 16 and one of whom is a mother to a newborn in need of daily medication.
According to the LAPD, 14-year-old Amoria Brown was last seen with her 3-week-old daughter Omoria Brown and 15-year-old sister-in-law Sanaii Brown in the 5200 block of Huntington Drive in L.A.’s El Sereno neighborhood.
Amoria is described by authorities as a Black girl who stands 5 feet, 4 inches tall, weighs approximately 140 pounds and has black hair with brown eyes. She was last seen wearing a multi-colored shirt, gray shorts and gray sandals.
Her daughter, Omoria, is a newborn with a heart condition and requires daily medication, police said.
Sanaii, 15, stands 5 feet, 1 inch tall, weighs approximately 150 pounds and has black hair with brown eyes, according to police. What she was last seen wearing is not known.
The girls may have been heading to the high desert area, LAPD stated.
Anyone with information surrounding the whereabouts of Sanaii, Amoria and Omoria Brown is urged to contact LAPD Hollenbeck Division Detective J. Rider by calling 213-479-2827. In case of an emergency, dial 911.
Anonymous tips can be submitted to L.A. Regional Crime Stoppers by calling 1-877-527-3247 or visiting
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